Our Psychologists are based in sunny South East Queensland. Working online, we provide therapeutic support to individuals and couples all across Australia, and internationally.
We offer online psychological support via Zoom as we find this is secure, convenient and can be accessed by anyone, anywhere and at any time.
If you are interested in booking in with one of our Psychologists, or hoping to learn more about our services, please email connect@thecouplesclinic.com.au.
Alternatively, complete the Contact Form below with a few details about what you are seeking, and a virtual administrator will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.
Please note that we are an online practice with a small, virtual administration team. The Couples Clinic is not suitable for crisis management or support. If you, or someone you love is at-risk or requires immediate support, please consider the following 24/7 options:
Present to your nearest emergency department or call 000 to request immediate mental health / welfare assistance
MH CALL on 1300 642 255
Lifeline 13 11 14
Parent Line 1300 30 1300
Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 737 732