When should I start couples therapy?

Many individuals and couples grapple with the question of the optimal time to start couples therapy. The simple answer is: as soon as possible.

The Gottman Institute, a leading center for relationship research and training, has examined the timing of couples seeking professional help. Their findings reveal a startling trend: on average, couples wait six years after experiencing relationship difficulties before seeking support. During this period, significant damage can occur.

Consider the implications of waiting six years. Imagine the numerous arguments, feelings of loneliness, emotional pain, anger, sadness, and potentially even infidelity. While fulfilling relationships can greatly enhance life, remaining in an unhappy relationship can have profound negative effects.

To use an age-old metaphor: imagine enduring a broken leg for six years. Such an injury would cause severe pain and significantly impact your overall wellbeing, mental health, and quality of life. It makes sense to seek help and get back to living a pain free, functional lifestyle.

For relationship therapists, when couples begin therapy after enduring prolonged issues, recovery often becomes more challenging. The process may take longer and require addressing a greater amount of emotional hurt.

Early intervention in couples therapy offers several advantages. Not only does it facilitate a quicker recovery, but it also supports the development of a more meaningful relationship with your partner. Additionally, early therapy is associated with improved individual mental health and enhanced relationships with other loved ones, including parents, siblings, friends, and children.

Recently, there has been a noticeable shift towards couples being more proactive in seeking support sooner. Many couples are now pursuing therapy even in the absence of distress, seeking to enhance their relationship from a place of strength. These so-called “enrichment-seeking couples” often benefit significantly from intervention.

Whether you are seeking to enrich your relationship or have been experiencing distress for some time, couples therapy provides a constructive and supportive environment for improvement. While various factors may contribute to hesitance in seeking support, those who do often find that it was a beneficial decision.