Individual Therapy

In addition to couples therapy, The Couples Clinic also provides clinical counselling services for individuals experiencing marital or relationship issues. Therapeutic interventions delivered by our experienced psychologists include Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Schema Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Mindfulness, Solution-Focused interventions and Interpersonal Therapy. 

Common individual therapy presentations we support are:
– Healing from acute stress and trauma. There are three main types of trauma: Complex trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Developmental Trauma.
– Desire and intimacy counselling for individuals with low or differing libidos to their partner, self-esteem or body image issues, difficulties maintaining arousal or reaching orgasm and issues regarding sexuality or sensuality in heterosexual, gay and lesbian relationships.
– Counselling for new mothers and fathers or individuals undertaking fertility treatment.
– Guidance for individuals post-separation or upon spousal abandonment.
 – Coming of age issues / adjusting to life transitions. 
– Navigating and communicating personal boundaries and needs in polyamorous or consensually non-monogamous relationships. 
– Anger management and domestic violence concerns. 

Many individuals engage The Couples Clinic as a means of improving their personal insights, coping responses, general wellbeing, and correction of maladaptive or unhelpful behaviours and communication patterns. Individual counselling provides a positive personal and relational benefit.  

Please note that if you are seeing a practitioner individually, you will need to engage an alternate practitioner at The Couples Clinic should you wish to transition to marital or relationship therapy. This ensures that your partner experiences an objective and unbiased therapeutic experience. Also, it would allow you to continue to see your practitioner individually either concurrently, or at a later date, if you so wish.